How to Fix Hangover Skin

Social drinking (in moderation) has actually been shown to be associated with living longer. This likely has to do with the community effect and benefits of bonding/ socialization. Nevertheless beyond feeling tired and sluggish the next day, alcohol can affect your skin, imparting a bit of puffiness along with dull, dehydrated skin. No worries, here are five steps to get your skin glowing again.

How to Fix Hangover Skin 

#1 Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Water will be your most important step because alcohol dehydrates your body and this shows up first in your skin 

#2 Take Vitamin B supplement to get rid of water retention which looks like puffiness in your face

#3 Take a Vitamin C supplement AND use a vitamin C serum to help your immune system, decrease inflammation, and brighten dull dehydrated skin 

#4 Use an eye mask you've chilled in the fridge or apply a skin roller around the eyes to de-puff 

#5 Use an AHA chemical peel to wake up the skin 


Aloe Vera: Skin Superfood


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